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Selling Property

We make it easy.


We are one of the largest independent real estate agencies in the Michigan Thumb area and we’ve been part of the community for nearly 30 years.  People come to us because of our long-standing reputation and they tell us so every year.


We have some of the most highly skilled and seasoned sales professionals in the area with experience you can benefit from, just like the many sellers who benefit every year when they put their trust in us.


But as the homeowner, you can play an important part in the timely sale of your property, at the best possible price. Making that 1st impression, with neatly trimmed landscaping, clutter free yard and porch with some fresh paint, does wonders.  Inside, the true appeal of your home will stand out to buyers after cleaning up, repairing minor problems and projecting as much light as possible.  Remember prospects would rather see how great your home really looks, than hear how great it could be “with a little work.”

2) What It's Worth?

Determining the value of real estate – including your home – is part art, part science.  And it depends largely on other properties currently or recently on the market.  Your Realtor will personally visit with you to determine the proper pricing.

1) What's So Special?

What makes your home special to you?  What will make it special to a buyer?  Our first step in selling a home is discovering all its assets.  Knowing why you bought it, what you love about it and what other features it has, sets the stage for us to find buyers who will appreciate its strengths

4) Say "Cheese"

Home buying is a very visual experience.  Marketing your home starts by creating a visual showcase, with high-quality interior and exterior pictures that will make potential buyers excited about its outstanding features.  86% of buyers found photos “very helpful.”

3) Set The Stage

There are things you can do that will help enhance your home’s marketability – and its value.  We call those things “staging,” and we’ll offer suggestions.  Ask your Team Sunrise professional for a FREE listing packet to guide you to a faster sale and earning a greater return on your investment.

6) Spread The Word

It’s an important part of the Team Sunrise philosophy to share our new listings with our agents, who are marketing homes daily, seeking the right combination of buyer and property.  That unique synergy gives you a leg up in promoting your home.

8) Negotiations

Real estate transactions are highly complex agreements.  It takes a lot of experience and specialized knowledge to get through them without unintended consequences.  As Realtors, we put that experience and knowledge at your disposal, providing you with guidance through the negotiation process.

10) It's A Deal!

It’s the very last step in a long process.  It’s one place where you really don’t want any surprises.  We stay with you to review the costs you can expect – mortgage payoffs, taxes or assessments.  Then we help make sure the closing follows the terms of your sale agreement. With no surprises!

5) Advertising

The only way people can buy a product – such as a house – is if they know about it.  We make sure potential buyers know about yours by marketing it in many ways, which include, but are not limited to:


  • Internet and Multimedia Exposure

  • Display Advertising

  • Institutional Advertising (News Inserts, Billboards)

  • Direct Mail

  • Our Company Website

  • Prominent, Highly Visible Signage

  • Multiple Listing Services

7) What's Going On?

It can take time to find the right buyer, depending on home market conditions, bank rates and the time of year.  We’ll keep you fully informed on what’s happening in the marketing process and welcome your calls on any questions or suggestions you may have.

9) Inspection &
Financing Contingencies

Most purchase offers today will have three contingencies:  a satisfactory home inspection, an appraisal supporting the purchase price and the buyer’s ability to obtain financing.  We stay with you during these steps.  If necessary, we’ll also help you through any further negotiations that come out of those contingencies – to make sure the sale goes through.

Toll Free: 866-738-2255

Port Austin Office

8624 Lake St

Port Austin MI 48467


Bad Axe Office

225 E Woodworth

Bad Axe MI 48413


Harbor Beach Office

214 State St

Harbor Beach MI 48441


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